What We Do
My Own Home
Serving individuals with disabilities and their families through assistance and options all in all for obtaining and maintaining suitable, safe housing.
This is Community
Community Living Options supports over 120 consumers with developmental disabilities, mental illness, and seniors.
CLO is an employer of choice for more than150 individuals in direct support, supervision, management, clinical, finance and administrative roles .
The programs and services CLO offers include: Specialized Residential Group Homes for Adults with Disabilities, Senior Living, Skill-Building Day Programing and Supported Independent Living sites across Greater Kalamazoo County.
Most importantly, CLO residents, participants, and staff live, shop, explore, dine, and give back to this community.
Community Living Options is a company with compassionate, caring staff supporting daily tasks of living in our group homes for adults with disabilities, senior living home, and adult learning center, and providing engaging daily activities and experiences in our programs, homes, and community.
Consumer Demographics and Outcomes
Quality Services, Consumer and Staff Satisfaction, and Community Engagement are Undeniably Part of Our Daily Work.
Consumer Progress in Personal Goals- 81%
Consumer Satisfaction- 99%
Consumers Served Annually
Days between referral authorization and initiation of services
Community Activities per Client Each Month